
Free Consultation

The initial contact will be considered part of the free consultation. This allows you to become familiar with my services and it will allow me to become familiar with your company.

Basic Service

Basic Service includes looking at your company or organization and making recommendations that will help it become more efficient, competitive, and more profitable.

Advanced Service

Advanced Service will include an in depth look at the organization and make specific recommendations along with projections that will increase sustainability and profitability.

Undercover Service

The Undercover Service is the most in depth and broad analysis a company or organization can get anywhere on planet earth. This includes the business consultant working at one or more jobs/locations for a set period of time in order to understand the inner workings of the organizations. The final report will include all findings and will help the company or organization fine tune efficiency, cut costs/waste, and create a competitive advantage.

Overseas Services

Overseas Services are available and are customized to fit the needs of the organization. This includes researching goods and services as well as looking at current overseas operations. Many companies have or use overseas factories for their goods. The supply chain and general practices may need to be looked at in order to cut costs. This may include raw good negotiations, lean inventory adjustments, and production flow changes. Other research would include finding the right vendor or manufacturer to provide the products you need, and at the best price possible.

Please go to the "Contact" page for more information and arrange for an initial interview.

Thank you,

The Undercover Business Consultant